Support the Blade’s LGBTQ journalism

Your financial contribution will make vital LGBTQ journalism possible at a time when clear, concise news is needed more than ever. Thank you for supporting the Blade and enabling the Blade to continue bringing you LGBTQ news — for free — for the years to come.

Choose your contribution frequency and amount below.

$5 a month

$5.00 USD monthly
  • Receive advanced notice of Blade events and special offers

$10 a month

$10.00 USD monthly
  • Receive benefits listed previously, plus:
  • Frank Kameny ‘Gay is Good’ button

$25 a month

$25.00 USD monthly
  • Receive benefits listed previously, plus:
  • Complimentary ticket to yearly Best of LGBTQ Party (LA or DC)

Your Yearly Contribution

$10.00 USD yearly
Choose your own level of yearly support for LGBTQ media. Minimum of $10 a year. 
Your contribution does not constitute a charitable donation. But it will enable the Blade to continue bringing you LGBTQ news — for free — for the years to come.

Recurring contributions will renew automatically. You may pause or cancel your automatic renewal, or manage your subscription at any time, by clicking here.

If you need help processing your payment, or have a question about making a contribution, email us at

CA Notice of Collection